
Deployment is handled through AWS’ Elastic Beanstalk service. Tagged releases and commits on the develop branch are automatically deployed to production and staging, respectively.

Environment Variables

The application uses the following environment variables. These can be set from the Elastic Beanstalk interface.

The email address to use for the admin account.
The password to use for the admin account.
A comma separated list of URLs that the app is accessible from.
AWS_REGION (=us-east-1)
The region the project’s AWS resources are running in.
DEBUG (=False)
Set to True (case insensitive) to enable Django’s debug mode.
An integer specifying the number of days an email confirmation is valid for.
A template for the URL a user should visit to validate their email. The value {key} in the template string will be replaced with the confirmation key.
The expiration time of each Layer identity token in seconds. See Layer’s Identity Token documentation for more information.
The ID of the key located at LAYER_RSA_KEY_FILE_PATH. This can be found in Layer’s organization dashboard. It should have the format layer:///keys/<key-content>.
The provider ID of the Layer organization. This can be found in Layer’s organization dashboard. It should have the format layer:///providers/<provider-id>.
LAYER_RSA_KEY_FILE_PATH (=/etc/km-api/certs/layer-dev.pem)
The path to the RSA key used to encode the identity tokens for Layer.
The API key to use when using the MailChimp API.
Set to True (case insensitive) to enable syncing of user data to a MailChimp list. Requires MAILCHIMP_API_KEY and MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID to be set.
The ID of the MailChimp list to sync users to. Can be found under the list’s “Settings” menu in “List name and campaign defaults”.
The number of hours a password reset’s key is valid for.
A template for the URL a user should visit to complete the password reset process. The value {key} in the template string will be replaced with the password reset key.
The database’s name.
The hostname of the database.
The password to connect to the database with.
The port to connect to the database on. This is usually 5432.
The username to connect to the database with.
The secret key to use. This should be a long random string. See the documentation for details.
The DSN to use for sentry logging. See the documentation for details.
The environment to use when logging errors to sentry. This allows for differentiating between production and staging errors. For simplicity, this should be either staging or production.
The name of the S3 bucket to store static and media files in. The IAM role that the webservers use must have access to this bucket. This bucket must be in the us-east-1 region.

Database Provisioning

Database provisioning is handled with Ansible using the playbooks in the deploy directory.


To run the playbook, you need Ansible installed as well as some helper python packages:

$ pip install ansible boto psycopg2


It is assumed that these packages are installed for the system-wide python install. If you would like to run ansible with an arbitrary python interpreter, pass in the --ansible-python-interpreter=<path to python> flag to any ansible command.

In order to run the playbook, you must also have valid credentials. AWS credentials must either be set as environment variables or passed to Ansible with the --extra-vars flag. Finally you must have the Ansible vault password.

Running The Playbook

To run the playbook and provision a database:

$ ansible-playbook deploy/deploy.yml

If you want to target the production environment:

$ ansible-playbook --extra-vars '"env"="prod"' deploy/deploy.yml

Configuring the Application

After running the playbook, you must update the application configuration in Elastic Beanstalk. Specifically, you must ensure that the RDS_* settings are correct. If the database was recreated, you must also ensure that the migrations have been run. The simplest way to do that is to trigger a deployment:

$ eb deploy <env-name>